- The Purpose of the New Testament Church — the propagation of the gospel through the establishment of New Testament assemblies.
- The Plan of the New Testament Church — To go, baptize and teach, making every Christian a part of this plan.
- The Pattern given in the New Testament — Acts 2:36-47; Acts 13:1-4; Acts 20:20-21.
- The Progress of the New Testament — God gives the increase (we simply work with Him in planting and watering).
- The Prescription for power in the New Testament — “All power is given unto me… go ye therefore into all the world… and Lo, I am with you alway…” As we go, He gives power. Many churches are sickly and on the brink of death because they do not like the Great Physicians prescription. There was no distinction between “Home” and “foreign” missions, the command was just go, give, and pray! To some this medicine is either too much to take, is bitter to the taste, or perhaps just too expensive.

In essence, New Testament missions is the process of planting and building indigenous local congregations around the world, to the ends of the earth. Missions is seeing people saved, and then obviously in turning to the Saviour they become disciples. This is the beginning of learning and following the WAY of Christ. Christ is the way to heaven and He is the Head of His plan for service in the local church. This is why Jesus said His disciples were to make followers, baptize, and teach all the things that He had taught. The New Testament way includes the cross of Christ and also involves the church of that same Christ! Jesus said ‘I will build my church…’ The Apostle Paul included every Christian in this church building work by stating ‘We are laborers together with God. Missions is church work, and church work is missions!
Let not our missionaries go by faith and churches support by sight alone.
1. Mohler. J (2010. November 2nd), Retrieved from www.fbchsp.org, Faith Baptist Church, Spokane, MO
The Chilando Family www.martinchilando.com